Upcoming Migrating toward wholeness© Workshops for Adoptees (Online)

3-day Mini-Retreat: May 17-19

6-week Immersive: May 15, 22, 29/June 12, 19, 26

“The writing workshop was just beautiful. I so admire the grace, compassion and deftness with which you welcomed and guided the group.” - A.M.

"I attended a writing workshop hosted by Dr. Liz DeBetta. Dr. Liz is amazing at encouraging adoptees to write to heal our wounds." - Daryn W.



Storytelling For Social Change

Best Autobiographical Show, United Solo 2022

"Liz DeBetta has created an incredibly poignant, important performance piece providing unique insight into the trauma of adoption from the inside out, beautifully told through words and movement."
-Catherine Gigante-Brown, novelist